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Heures d'ouverture
Opening hours 

Lun/Mon    8:00am – 21h

Mar/Tue     8:00am – 21h

Mer/Wed    8:00am – 20h

Jeu/Thurs  8:00am – 20h

Ven/Fri       8:00am – 16h

Sam/Sat    10:00am – 16h

Dim/Sun    Fermé

Notre mission... votre santé avant tout! english

Our mission is the protection of your health!



Whether for vacations, adventures, or business travel it is vital to take precautions in preparing for your departure. But what are they? Do you need vaccinations and advice? Should you be vaccinated or not? What are the risks and consequences of your choice? A pre-travel consultation at the Traveller's Clinic allows you, through a vaccination or through wise advice, to minimize the dangers of contracting illnesses and to avoid risks to your health while you travel. 



Vacances, voyage d’aventures ou d’affaires il est primordial de prendre des précautions pour bien se préparer avant le départ. Mais comment s’y retrouver ? Ai-je besoin de vaccins et de conseils ? Dois-je ou pas me faire vacciner ? Quels sont les risques et conséquences de mon choix ? Une consultation pré-voyage à La Clinique du Voyageur permet de minimiser les dangers de contracter des maladies, soit par la vaccination, soit par des conseils judicieux pour savoir comment éviter les risques pour votre santé. 

The Traveller's Clinic is one of a select group of clinics that have been approved by Health Canada to provide travellers with the Yellow Fever vaccine. We're proud to have been chosen to participate in this important program.

Article 66 of the International Health Regulations, passed by the World Health Assembly and which the Government of Canada is a signator, stipulates that "the vaccinating centre must have been designated by the health administration for the territory in which it is situated". Vaccinating centres are officially designated by countries in accordance with the International Health Regulations. Accordingly, Health Canada has established criteria which must be met for a clinic to be designated as a Yellow Fever vaccination centre. These criteria are designed to ensure that those persons seeking a Yellow Fever immunization prior to travel abroad have reasonable access to a Yellow Fever Vaccination clinic and are provided with appropriate travel advice and safe vaccination practices. (Source: Health Canada) 

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